Things No One Ever Tells You About Pregnancy

There are a lot of crazy things your body does while you are pregnant—other than growing an entire human being in your stomach. I’m still trying to understand how it happened! Many of the things I experiences I didn’t find on other “5 crazy things that happen to your body while pregnant” articles—and believe me I researched more than I should have on this topic. There were always the obvious ones, like pregnancy acne, having to go pee every 2-3 hours, and ligament pain. Here are a few weird things that my body did while I was pregnant:

  1. Acid reflux. And it doesn’t only happen because baby is taking up room, thus pushing acid up your esophagus, but because your sphincter loosens during pregnancy, causing acid to reflux back up.
  2. Puffy everything. It wasn’t just my cheeks, butt, fingers, and toes, but everything got puffy, including my va-jay-jay and nips.
  3. Fluids. Making their way out of my nose from being stuffed up all the time, to my va-jay-jay…I guess the body is prepping for delivery. While I thought I’d never be wearing pads while pregnant, I thought wrong.
  4. Crazy dreams. Pregnancy brings on the most detailed, vivid dreams. My sister once shared one with a movie producer friend because it was so fascinating.
  5. Achy fingers. I got a glimpse into what arthritis will feel like later in life. Every morning I’d wake up with achy fingers.