Panty Popsicles! Must-Have After Delivery

Most pregnant women have likely had the words “panty popsicle” whispered to them at some point during their pregnancy—and for good reason. A panty popsicle is a maxi pad with witch hazel on it which has been stored in the freezer. No woman knows the pain down there unless you’ve miraculously pushed a baby out, and the frozen panty popsicle greatly soothed my “area.” My hospital gave me round witch hazel pads to place on the maxi pad. When these ran out I purchased witch hazel wipes from CVS and after that I purchased the liquid witch hazel. I found the liquid witch hazel to be better than the pads because I could pre-”make” many panty popsicles and put them in the freezer, allowing me to easily grab one and use it. The witch hazel pads just added one more step in the bathroom and they weren’t cold. It also was easy for me because our freezer is just down the hall from our master bath so it wasn’t hard for me to walk over to the kitchen. I used the panty popsicles for a good 5-6 weeks after delivery—LOVE this creative invention!

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