Parker Gets His Helmet

Parker got his helmet two days ago (April 27, 2017) and so far so good! He doesn’t seem to notice anything is on his head at all! The appointment lasted one hour where we tried the helmet on to see where it needed to be cut down. We did this process two times and then Parker left the helmet on for 10 minutes so the clinician could check for red spots. The helmet already needed its first adjustment since Parker’s head has grown since the scan was taken 10 days prior which was used to build the helmet. Since he grew a bit, we go in next week for Parker’s first check-up. Cranial Tech schedules appointments every two weeks for babies over six months. I’m hoping the growth he had while the helmet was being built will continue these first few weeks of wearing the helmet.

Parker was his usual happy self and even fell asleep on the way home 🙂

There is only a two-day adjustment period with the DOCband which consists of skin checks every three-four hours. Parker had tiny red spots above his ears and in the back near his neck, but they mostly went away within five-10 minutes. He is a little redder on the side where the velcro fastens but it is smaller than a quarter (see pic). If the redness didn’t go away, we would have had to leave the helmet off, call the office, and possibly have to come back in for an adjustment. Because he had good skin checks, he was able to sleep in the helmet night one! His sleep hasn’t changed at all, except having to wear less or lighter clothing while sleeping. I also have him in his diaper only while at home.

Today I made a paper calendar (see pic) to count down the weeks :). Cranial Tech told us he will be in the helmet for 8-14 weeks, so I started with 12 weeks and am hoping for less!

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