My 1st Mother’s Day!

Yesterday was my first official Mother’s Day and now that the day is over I can without a doubt say it is my new favorite holiday—Thanks, Hallmark! I may have thrown a hint or two out to Jason about wanting my first Mother’s Day to be special, and he listened ;). I woke to a beautiful card, a “Mama Bear, est. 2016” coffee mug, and cute gold necklace with a plate that says “Parker.” After some morning snuggles after nursing in bed, we took a walk to get coffee and share a bagel. Once Parker went down for his nap, I went to get a much needed massage! I even upped the 60 minutes to 90, and I’m still sore! Carrying a baby, nursing, and lifting Parker sure has done a number on my back so the massage was really helpful to get all my knots out. We relaxed the rest of the afternoon and then headed to Laguna to walk along the boardwalk and have dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants, Alessa Cucina. Parker was a little fussy because he didn’t have a third nap, so I ended up nursing him to sleep during dinner, which gave Jason and I some quiet time! I’m so thankful for Jason who made me feel special yesterday. I’m so sad the day has come and gone—it feels like the last day of a vacation! Already looking forward to next year 🙂

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