A Typical Day: 7 Months Old

6-6:20am: Wake up and nurse in bed then snuggle, play in bed with Mommy and Daddy for 30 minutes

–Play time and watch Mommy work–

7:30-8am: Breakfast which is usually semi-pureed or mushy, small chunks of fruit (banana, blueberries, apples, mandarin) or scrambled eggs

–Play time and watch Mommy work–

–If Parker shows early signs of tiredness, I take him for a short walk to keep him awake until 9am–

8:45-9:30am: Nap #1. Parker usually cries as he’s going to sleep so I’ve recently started reading Parker a book before laying him down with his puppy stuffed animal. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t!

10:30-11am: Parker wakes up and nurses

–This is usually when we get out of the house and go to the grocery store, for a walk, to the pool, or run various errands–

–If we are at home, Parker usually gets tired earlier and naps around 12:30pm–

1:45-2:30pm: Nap #2

–If Parker’s second nap is earlier, around 12:30pm, then we do a short third nap around 3:30-4pm–

3:30-4pm: Parker wakes up and nurses

–Play time at home or go for a walk–

5:15: Dinner which is usually a semi-pureed or mushy vegetable (carrots, corn, broccoli, peas, green beans, avocado) or chicken. If he is still hungry I feed him Puffs or a Mum Mum

5:45pm: Bath before Daddy gets home

6:00pm: Play time with Daddy or go for a walk to the park

7:00pm: Nurse Parker in glider. He usually falls asleep then I lay him down and he usually goes right to sleep with no crying

7:15pm: Mommy and Daddy make and eat dinner and hang out together!


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