Parker’s Teething Update!

I’ll update this post as Parker gets more teeth! So far…

  • 5.25 Months—Parker gets his first two teeth! The lower teeth (central incisor) came in—first one, and then the next the very next day. I didn’t notice much of a change in his attitude. He’s been drooling since 3 months so the new teeth aren’t a surprise. I’m going to miss his gummy smile!
  • 7.25 Months—Parker’s left, upper tooth (lateral incisor) is coming in! He was a little fussy for one day but his usual self for the most part 😊
  • 8 Months—Right, upper tooth (lateral incisor) came in. Parker was fussy for one day.
  • 8 Months, 1 Week–Right, upper middle tooth came in. Parker fussy in the morning and had trouble napping so I have him baby Tylenol. One day later Parker’s bottom second tooth to the right came through, and the next day his top right middle tooth cut through.
  • 12 months, 1 week–Parker’s two top molars are coming through.
  • 14 months–Parker’s first molars are in and his left cuspid is popping through.
  • 14 months, 2 weeks--Parker’s left bottom molar is cutting through.



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