Milestone Day: Parker’s Crawling!

Today, Parker achieved a big milestone—he crawled—at 7.5 months old! I’ve had an inkling these past couple of weeks that he would be crawling any day now, and I’m happy we didn’t have to wait too long. Good thing Jason just put up the gate on top of the stairs a couple days ago. Now time to baby proof the rest of the house. Parker can get a few crawls in a row, and did this roughly four times today. He is especially encouraged to test out his new skill when I place something in front of him but just out of reach and then move it back to he has to reach further ahead. I’m leaving tomorrow for a bachelorette weekend, so I’m thankful he decided to take his first crawls today and not over the weekend when I would have missed them! Big day 🙂 Here he is embarking on one of his first crawls! 💙


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