Three Weeks in Parker’s Helmet

Parker had his three-week helmet check-up today, and the clinician noticed his head rounding out in the back toward his neck, his forehead rounding out more, and his face appearing narrower since the bone above his ears is not protruding as much. I’ve noticed a slight improvement, not much but slight, myself and am hoping for more. We will get a scan done at seven weeks so we can compare his metrics to his pre-helmet numbers. Here are some pictures of what Parker’s head looks like today:

Parker continues not to have any idea he’s wearing a helmet and has adjusted to wearing it perfectly. The only difference is that he gets a little warm—this is why he’s in a diaper most of the day at home :). One thing that has shocked me during our helmet journey is how many people come up to us and ask about Parker’s helmet. Most of they time, they do so in a curious way and just want to learn. People ask if he is okay, what happened to him, how long does he wear the helmet each day, how long will he have to wear the helmet, and does it bother him. I’ve had roughly a dozen people share that either their baby had the helmet at some point, or they’ve known a family member or friend who underwent helmet therapy. I’m always happy to hear this, and they ALL say they had great results and were happy they chose to helmet their baby.

I really look forward to the days of his check-ups because I know that means we are making progress—and also I treat myself to an iced hazelnut latte at the medical center before his appointments :). Today was particularly special because Parker had a MASSIVE blow-out as I was in line to order my coffee. It came all the way out of his diaper in the front, and out of his shorts, all over my jacket…Ewwwwww! 🙂

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